Social Responsibility

“Clear Your Plate” campaign

The “order based production” mode, with the intelligent and information-based canteen management mode, reduces the waste rate from the source in three aspects, namely, food supply, inventory and supervision, and promotes the smooth implementation of the “Clean Your Plate Campaign”.

  • On demand ordering reduces food waste
    Through the backend management system, the entire process of self-service ordering and picking up meals effectively improves the efficiency of “CD”.
  • Full process data supervision, scientific procurement to avoid inventory waste
    Based on system record analysis, develop production and procurement plans as needed.
  • Strengthen daily supervision and eliminate “waste on the tip of the tongue”
    Paper towels for secondary use; Real time guidance from supervisors; Employees can provide real-time feedback on the day of dining.

Smokeless park

Create a civilized, healthy, and smoke-free work environment
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in all workplaces and public places such as offices, meeting rooms, bathrooms, passages, etc.
  • Carry out publicity and education on tobacco control work, create and create a smoke-free environment.
  • In the office area, smoking is strictly prohibited for unit staff and outsiders, and behavioral intervention is carried out. Smoking tools are not installed indoors, and there are no cigarette butts or smoke pollution indoors and outdoors.
  • It is prohibited to place ashtrays and smoking utensils indoors, distribute various forms of tobacco advertisements, and sell tobacco in the park.

Dust removal equipment

Efficient filtration to eliminate air pollution

The sand and crushed dust is collected by a dust collector and treated by a bag filter. The collection rate is greater than 90%, and the treatment efficiency is greater than 97%. The final exhaust gas is discharged through a 23m high exhaust pipe

Occupational Health Environment

  • Protect the surrounding environment by upgrading environmental protection equipment
  • High green plant coverage in the workshop area to enhance employees’ occupational health environment